Administrative and Financial Services Manager
Born in 1976 in Kiraz, Izmir, Yusuf Aktaş completed his primary and secondary education in 1995 and graduated from Izmir Kiraz Health Vocational High School. In 2006, he graduated from Anadolu University Health Services Vocational High School Laborant and Veterinary Health Associate Degree Program, in 2012 he graduated from Anadolu University Public Administration, in 2017 he graduated from Atatürk University Hospital Management Undergraduate Program.
In 2013, he completed Istanbul Fatih University Department of Business Administration Hospital and Health Institutions Management Master's Program.
In 2002, he started to work at Metin Sabanci Baltalimani Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital.
Between 2002-2010, he worked in the Registry, Personnel and Purchasing units at Metin Sabanci Baltalimani Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital.
Between 2010-2014, he worked as the Assistant Manager of the Administrative and Financial Affairs Unit at Metin Sabancı Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital, and as the Health Hotel Management Manager between 2014-2015.
Between 2015-2017, he worked as the Administrative and Financial Affairs Manager at Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Hospital.
Between 2018-2021, he served as the USS/Telet Medicine Officer-clinical Quality Committee Member.
Between 2022 and 2024, he worked in planning, procurement and purchasing processes as Administrative General Coordinator-Purchasing specialist.
As of June 2024, Yusuf Aktaş, who has been working as Administrative and Financial Affairs Manager in our hospital, is married and has two children.