Healt Care Services Manager

Healt Care Services Manager


 Born on 02.03.1969 in Çivril district of Denizli province, she completed her secondary education at Niğde Health Vocational High School. In 1995, she completed her associate degree at Anadolu University, Department of Midwifery. She completed her undergraduate education at Samsun 19 Mayıs University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Midwifery in 2010.

             She worked as a Urology Service Nurse at Tokat State Hospital between 1989-1992. Between 1992-1994, she worked as Assistant Chief Nurse at Tokat State Hospital. Between 1994-1996, she worked as a Green Card Officer at Çivril Central Health Center. She worked as an Orthopedics Service Nurse at M.S. Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital between 1996-1999, as a Service Responsible Nurse between 1999-2001, as an Emergency Service Responsible Nurse between 2001-2017, and also as a Diabetes Nurse between 2009-2017.

            She has Emergency Care Nursing and Diabetes Nursing Certificates within the scope of the Ministry of Health; She attended many congresses, seminars and trainings on subjects such as Nursing Management, Diabetes Nursing, Emergency Care Nursing, Quality Management.

            She has been working as Health Care Services Manager since 02/12/2017. She is married and has 1 child.